O Processo de Tomada de Decisão Política ao Nível Internacional: O Caso do Kosovo, Universidade da Beira Interior, 19.10.2020.
Party Anchorage in Multilevel States: The Selection of Representatives, SPARC, Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa, 17.09.2020 (com Teresa Ruel).
Gender Quotas and Internal Competition: Co-sponsorship Behaviour in Closed-list Proportional Systems, Centro de Dados e Métodos (CDM), Universidade de Constança, 04.02.2020 (com Sebastian Koehler).
Co-sponsorship and Accountability in European Democracies:The Cases of Austria and Portugal, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) – Political Behaviour Seminar, 16.01.2017.
Government’s Legislative Initiative in Parliamentary Systems: The Portuguese Case, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) – PSPE Seminar Lunch, 26.10.2016.
Political Parties and Elections: Reactions to the Euro Crisis, conferência: “Making Democracy Work”, Central European University, 23.06.2016.
A Análise Comparada em Política, BA de Ciência Política, ISCTE-IUL, 16.03.2016.
Strategic Legislative Behavior in Portugal: An Emerging Data-Set, Swansea University - PhD Research Seminar Series, 20.02.2013.
Marketing Político e Imagem Presidencial: Os casos de George W. Bush e de Barack Obama, Aula Aberta ao MA de Marketing Político, Escola de Estudos de Comunicação em Lisboa, 07.11.2012.
Kosovo: Entre o Conflito e a Paz, MA de Relações Internacionais e Estudos Europeus, Universidade de Évora, 19.05.2012.
O Comportamento do Governo: Uma ou Várias Agendas, MA de Comunicação, Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 08.05.2012.
Uma Visão Estratégica sobre o Kosovo, M.A. de Estratégia, Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 11.01.2012.
O Comportamento Legislativo e a Agenda Política – A Estratégia do Executivo, B.A. de Comunicação Social, ISCSP-UTL, 11.11.2011.
The Governmental Use of Decree Power: The Rational-Choice Approach to Portuguese Politics, M.A. de Ciência Política, Universidade de Salamanca, 03.03.2011.
A Causalidade em Ciência Política, M.A. de Ciência Política, ISCSP-UTL, 06.01.2011.
Kosovo: A Certeza do Ontem e a Incerteza do Amanhã, M.A. de Relações Internacionais, Universidade Lusíada do Porto, 13.06.2008.
ECPR Conferência Geral (organizadora de painel, paper giver, discussant) (on-line) 26 de Agosto.
Dreiländertagung, Zurique, 14-16 Fevereiro (paper giver); EPSA, Belfast (paper giver); ECPR Conferência Geral de Parlamentos, Leiden (paper giver).
EPSA Conference, Vienna (paper giver); ECPR General Conference, Hamburg
(section responsible, paper giver and discussant).
ECPR Conferência Geral de Parlamentos, Basilei (paper giver);
Workshop “Party Competition in European Multi-Level Systems”, MZES,
Mannheim, November 23-25, (discussant).
APCP Conferência Geral, Portugal (paper giver);
MPSA, USA (paper giver e discussant)
EPSA, Bélgica (paper giver)
ECPR Conferência Geral, República Checa (paper giver)
ECPR Sessões de Workshop, Polónia (paper giver)
Universidade de Salamanca, Espanha (paper giver)
ECPR Joint Sessions – Design and Non-Design in Policy-Making: When and How Policy
Design Matters, Warsaw, Poland (paper giver).
APCP Conferência Geral (organizadora de painel), Portugal.
ECPR Conferência Geral, França (organizadora de painel, chair, e paper giver)
Conferência do Comparative Agendas Project, Antuérpia (paper giver).
Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, (EPOP) Conference, Oxford, UK (paper giver with
Célia Belim).
Madrid 2012, XXII World Congress of Political Science, International Political Science
Association (IPSA), Madrid, Spain (paper giver).
Pre-IPSA Workshop “Challenges of Electoral Integrity”, IPSA, chair Pippa Norris,
Madrid, Spain (paper giver with Daniel Stockemer).
6th APCP Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (convenor with Célia Belim, and Teresa Ruel,
discussant (I), chair (II), and paper giver (II)).
Conference of the Political Communication Sections and Research Committee for Political
Communication (RC22), IPSA, and of the Political Communication Section [International Association of Media and
Communication Research (IAMCR)] at ISCSP-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal (convenor with Célia Belim, chair, and paper giver).
Portugal and the International Organizations, Contemporary History Institute (IHC),
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Lisbon, Portugal (paper
Conference: “Resolution and Prevention of Conflicts in Africa”, IDN, Lisbon, Portugal
(paper giver with Teresa Ruel).
X CONGRESO: “La Política en la Red”, Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la
Administración (AECPA), Murcia, Spain (paper giver).
American Political Science Association (APSA) \textit {2011 Annual Meeting}, Seattle,
U.S.A. (poster presenter with Sebastian Köhler).
ECPR Conferência Geral, Islândia (discussant)
Conferência do Ciclo de Conferências: Lusofonias Políticas}, project: “Political
Science at Coffee Time” (CPC), Observatório Político (OP) – UNL, (AAICS-UL), Portuguese Speaking Universities
Association (AULP), and Livraria Pó dos Livros, Lisbon, Portugal (convenor, chair and discussant).
Social Sciences: Investigation Approaches, Lisbon, Portugal, AAICS-UL, ICS-UL
(convenor, chair, and paper giver).
Film cycle: “Why Democracy?”, Portugal (chair)
3rd ECPR Graduate Conference, Dublin, Ireland (convenor with Susana Cabaço, chair,
discussant, and paper giver).
5th Latin American Political Science Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina (convenor and
accepted communication presented by a colleague).
Encontro da Ciência em Portugal, Portugal (poster)
Politics and Policy: Latin America in Debate, AAICS-UL, ICS-UL, Lisbon, Portugal
Conversas sobre ..., Portugal (chair)
68th Annual Midwest Political Science Association National Conference} (MPSA), Chicago,
U.S.A., (chair, discussant and paper giver).
5th APCP Conference, Aveiro, Portugal (convenor with Susana Cabaço, chair, and
discussant. paper giver, and paper giver with Paula Jerónimo).
ECPR Conferência Geral, Potsdam (paper giver)
9th Conference of the European Sociological Association (EPSA), Lisbon, Portugal (paper
giver with Susana Cabaço and paper giver with Paula Jerónimo).
Portuguese Demography Association General Conference (APD), Lisbon, Portugal (paper
giver with Lúcia Sobreiro).
APS, Portugal (paper giver)
2nd International Conference on Sociology, ATINER, Athens, Greece (paper giver with
Alice Cunha).
APCP Conferência Geral, Portugal (paper giver)
AADN, Portugal (paper giver)
Meeting: “The State of Sociology in Portugal”, (APS), Lisbon, Portugal (paper giver
with Prof. Dr. Marcos Olímpio dos Santos, Prof. Dr. Saudade Baltazar, and Lúcia Sobreiro).
IEEI, Portugal (paper giver)
IX General Conference of the Department of Sociology – Évora University, Évora,
Portugal (paper giver and paper giver with Prof. Dr. Marcos Olímpio dos Santos, and Lúcia Sobreiro).
APCP Conferência Geral, Portugal (paper giver).
10.2016 – current, Konstanz University, Center for Data and Methods, Germany.
03.2012 – 04.2012, Mannheim University, Political Science Department, Germany.
11.2011, Barcelona University (Spanish Comparative Agendas Project), Barcelona, Spain.
09.2010 – 12.2010, DP-NYU, New York, U.S.
03.2010 – 04.2010, Mannheim University, Political Science Department, Germany.
Project: “Corruption in Portugal – A Sociological Study”, (coordination Prof. Dr. Luís de Sousa and Helena Fazenda), CIES – ISCTE and DCIAP (2008-2009). (Portuguese)
Project: “Nutrition, Dietetic and Alimentation: A Professional Field Under Construction” (coordination Prof. Dr. Luísa Veloso) CIES-ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal (2008). (Portuguese)
Project: “SIEPOL”, [General coordination Prof. Dr. Adriene Héritier and Prof. Dr. Peter Mair, EUI, Florence], CIES-ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal (2008). (English)
Project: “Report on Social Diagnosis” (DS) and “Social Strategic Plan” – Municipality of Vendas Novas, (coordination Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto da Silva), University of Évora, Évora, Portugal (2007). (Portuguese)
Project: “Regime of Production and Consume in Portuguese Museums”, Praxis 98 and POCT, (coordination Prof. Dr. Margarida Lima de Faria), FCT, Lisbon, Portugal. (Portuguese)
Regular writer (every two weeks), Economic Journal, Prtugal since September 2016.
, Economic Daily, Portugal 17.03.2016.
Portugal (2009) in
2009 Progress Report on Enforcement of the
OECD Convention
, Transparency International, June 2009, Berlin (with Luís de Sousa and Jerusa Costa).
Nutrition, Dietetic and Alimentation: A Professional Field Under Construction
(2008) Lisbon, CIES-ISCTE (with Luísa Veloso, João Freire, Noémia Mendes Lopes, Luísa Oliveira, Helena Carvalho,
Daniela Craveiro and Ana Luísa Barbosa).
Report on Social Diagnosis (DS), Municipality of Vendas Novas, (coordination
Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto da Silva) University of Évora, November 2007.
Social Strategic Plan (PDS), Municipality of Vendas Novas, (coordination Prof.
Dr. Carlos Alberto da Silva) University of Évora, November 2007.
External Evaluation Report EQUAL, project: “Orientar, Servir e Apoiar:
Promover a Conciliação da Vida Familiar/Profissional”, (coordination Prof. Dr. Marcos Olímpio dos Santos)
CISA-AS/University of Évora, October 2007.
External Evaluation Report EQUAL, project: “Gente Acolhedora”, (coordination
Prof. Dr. Maria da Saudade Baltazar) CISA-AS/University of Évora, September 2007.
External Evaluation Report EQUAL, project: “Nova Agricultura – Novo
Desenvolvimento Rural”, (coordination Prof. Dr. Maria da Saudade Baltazar) CISA-AS/University of Évora, September
External Final Evaluation Report PROGRIDE, project: “Sete Vidas”, coordination
Prof. Dr. Maria da Saudade Baltazar) CISA-AS / University of Évora, September 2007.
External Evaluation Report EQUAL, project: “Barrancos Activo”, (coordination
José Saragoça), CISA-AS / University of Évora, July 2007.
Participation in the II Eurodefense Meeting of Young Europeans Final Document (2004),
In Caderno 4 – European Security and Defense. A Present Challenge, Eurodefense Portugal Studies Centre,
2015 Reunion Grant MaRA Visit, University of Mannheim.
2015 ECPR Joint Sessions Graduate Grant.
2013 Grant from the Betiko Foundation to participate at the ECPR General Conference in Bordeaux.
2013 Citizen Merit Award from the Civil Parish of Alvito, Portugal.
2013 German Academic Exchange Office Ph.D. Completion Grants for international PhD-Students (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, DAAD – Förderprogramm: STIBET-Doktoranden).
2013 Gulbenkian Fellowships for Ph.D. Students of Comparative Politics and Political Science (ICS-UL).
Doctoral Degree Grant from the FCT, Portugal (2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013).
ICS-UTL traveling fellowships, Portugal (2010, 2011, 2012).
2009 CAPP fellowship to ECPR Potsdam General Conference.
2009 EITM summer fellowship, University of Mannheim, Germany.
2008 CEPESE fellowship to ECPR – Ljubljana Summer School, Portugal.