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I am a political scientist (PhD), and currently a Research Fellow and a Guest Assistant Professor (CIES-ISCTE) in Lisbon. Until August of 2020 I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with a double affiliation CIES-ISCTE / University of Mannheim – Chair of Comparative Government, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Konstanz.
My research is interdisciplinary and focuses on political institutions; comparative politics and comparative political economy. I have been developing research on legislative behaviour and decision-making; public policy analysis; political communication; political accountability and corruption; and, the European Union. In my research I use quantitative and qualitative data as well as experimental/quasi-experimental design to answer my research questions. I aim at producing theoretical driven research that is empirically testable.
I hold a PhD in Political Science (specialization in Comparative Politics) from the University of Lisbon – Institute of Social Sciences, a Master’s and a University Degree (Licenciatura), both pre-Bologna, in Political Science from the Technical University of Lisbon – ISCSP. In my PhD dissertation entitled: Government’s Decision: A Theoretical and Empirical Study on Legislative Initiative as Strategic Behaviour, I develop and test a formal model of legislative decision-making. There I show, with original data from Portugal (1982-2009), that majority status changes the strategic decisions of Governments towards law proposals. This work is under contract with Palgrave Macmillan.
For more detailed information see my CV.